Interface EntityPart

public interface EntityPart
A EntityPart is one part of a multipart entity. As defined in RFC 7578, a multipart request or response must have a content type of "multipart/form-data" with a boundary parameter indicating where one part ends the next may begin.

Multipart entities may be received in a resource method as a collection of parts (e.g. List<EntityPart>) or as a form parameter (ex: @FormParam("part1Name") EntityPart part1).

Likewise, a client may receive a multipart response by reading the returned entity as a collection of EntityParts (ex: response.readEntity(new GenericType<List<EntityPart>>() {})).

In order to send a multipart entity either as a client request or a response from a resource method, you may create the Lists using EntityPart.Builder. For example:

 Client c = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target =;
List<EntityPart> parts = Arrays.asList(
     EntityPart.withName("name3").fileName("file3.xml").content(myObject, MyClass.class).mediaType("application/xml").build());
GenericEntity<List<EntityPart>> genericEntity = new GenericEntity<>(parts){};
Entity entity = Entity.entity(genericEntity, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA);
Response r = target.request().post(entity);
Note that when building a EntityPart, the name and content are required. Other properties such as headers, file name, and media type are optional. It is the responsibility of the implementation code to close the content input streams when sending the multipart content. Closing the stream before the implementation has sent it could result in unexpected exceptions. It is the responsibility of the calling code to close the stream when receiving the multipart content.